Ian & Stuart's Australian Mac 1993 September
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From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk>
Subject: Official comp.sys.mac.* test v2
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 93 19:38:04 BST
I found this to be funny. Is it worth putting in the archives?
Lloyd Wood
Okay, here we go....
You've probably seen and scored yourself on the Purity Test, the Talk.Bizarre
test, the Nerd test, and numerous others. And now, for the second time, we
present the...
Based on the sayings and doings of the group over the recent months.
This September 1993 test may be out of date very soon - suggestions to
This test is scored purely on experience points. If you can answer 'yes' to
a question, it's an experience point, and you follow the indented related
questions. If you answer no, score nothing for that question, and look at
the next question at the same indentation level.
Score an extra point every time you admit to being smug.
The more the points, the more your guru status, and the smugger you must be.
If you score maximum points, you obviously cheated.
This test is not for the humo(u)r... differently-abled.
:-) :-) :-)
Do you own a Mac?
Are you smug?
Do you know how much the Lisa cost at launch?
Did you buy one?
Was it tax-deductible as business equipment?
Did you get rid of it eventually?
By donating it to a landfill for a tax break?
Do you know how much the Portable weighed at launch?
Did you buy one?
Did you ever lock your bicycle to it?
Did you get rid of it eventually?
By dropping it on soft ground to let it sink its own landfill?
Did you take it on your travels?
Into orbit?
Was hitting the crew with ejected disks deliberate?
Do you know how much memory the IIfx had at launch?
Did you buy one?
Did you plug an accelerator into the PDS slot?
Did you get rid of it eventually?
By putting the wrong SCSI terminators on it?
Do you know what SCSI is?
Can you pronounce it?
Do you own a SCSI device?
Do you own more than two SCSI devices?
Do you own more than eight SCSI devices?
Find out how far you can stretch your SCSI chain and still have it work:
At least 2 feet?
At least 4 feet?
At least 8 feet?
At least 16 feet?
Have you ever got a SCSI chain to work?
Do you know how you did it?
Have you dared alter it since?
Have you ever destroyed a SCSI device?
A) By plugging it in with the power on?
B) By jumping up and down on it because you couldn't get it work?
C) By trying B) after A)?
How many SCSI devices can you put in a chain?
Do you know what ADB is?
Do you own an ADB device?
Do you own more than two ADB devices?
Do you own more than three ADB devices?
Have you ever damaged an ADB device?
By plugging it in with the power on?
By wearing out your mouse?
By pressing your mouse button?
Was it a Malaysian mouse button?
Could you fix it?
Did you have Easy Access installed?
Did you use it?
Do you feel smug?
Do you know what serial is?
Did you have some for breakfast?
Do you feel the serial port ought to be a 25-way?
So then you can buy Macs as they meet compatibility criteria?
Because you can always buy a 25-way plug and build a lead?
Because more pins equates to more speed?
Because you're never sure if the GPi pin is supported, dammit?
Do you know what PDS is?
Do you know what cards you can fit into your PDS slot?
Will they work?
Do you know what cards you can't?
Because they won't fit into the slot?
Because they won't fit into the case?
Because they won't work when they're fitted?
How many PDS variations are there?
At least 2?
At least 4?
At least 8?
At least 16?
One per Mac model?
One per PDS card?
Do you know what Nubus is?
Do you know what cards you can fit into your Nubus slot(s)?
Will they work?
Do you know what cards you can't?
Because they won't fit into the case?
Because they will draw too much power?
And melt the case?
Because all your Nubus slots are filled?
With video cards?
Do you feel smug?
With Rockets?
Do you feel extremely smug indeed?
Did your System ever seem to take up a lot of memory?
Did you ever post asking why?
Did you follow yourself up, asking for no more replies, please?
Did you show off your knowledge by replying to someone else asking why?
Did they follow themselves up, asking for no more replies, please?
Do you think this will ever stop?
Even though 24-bit mode is removed from new Mac releases?
Do you now know what 32-bit addressing is?
Does your Mac run faster when you turn it on?
Do you know why?
Does your Mac crash when you turn it on?
Is it a programming error on your part?
Does your Mac refuse to start up if you turn it on?
Is it a programming error on your part?
Does your Mac crash when you turn it off?
Is it a programming error on your part?
Does your Mac refuse to start up if you turn it off?
Is it a programming error on your part?
Does your Mac crash anyway?
But only when it's turned on?
Do you resolve not to turn your Mac on?
Even for screensavers?
Is it a programming error on your part?
Did you install MacsBug?
Does it make you feel more confident?
Does your Mac seem to crash more often?
But only in the screensaver?
Do you read Info-Mac digest?
Just the new submissions bits?
To see where your submissions have got to?
Just the questions?
For the humour content?
Just the contents list?
Do you know all the answers?
But keep them to yourself?
Because you answered them the first time around?
And the second?
And the third?
Are you smug?
Have you read TidBITS?
With a setext reader?
With HyperCard?
Have you written for TidBITS?
Do you like penguins?
Did you read Vaporware?
Do you miss it?
Do you wish there was something to replace it?
Are you thinking of writing a replacement?
Are you tired of reading about 'Jurassic Park'?
And 'The Firm'?
And any other product placements?
Do you have the '1984' advert?
As a QuickTime movie?
Without the documentary voiceover?
Are you smug?
Do you know what the desktop files are?
Have you ever rebuilt them?
And then rebuilt them again?
Did all your folders stay vanished?
Did Tune-Up 1.1.1 arrive just that little too late?
Did Disk First Aid 7.1 fix your hard disk?
Did the Disk Bug Checker get you very worried indeed?
Did the Software Update sort you out?
Do you know what the desktop files are?
Have you ever removed them?
What, all of them?
All three of them?
Are you nuts?
Do you know what a bundle bit is?
Have you ever had to change one?
Did it make a difference?
Even when you remembered to rebuild your desktop files?
Have you reformatted your hard disk to reclaim the unused space?
Did you remember to back up your hard disk first?
Onto another hard disk?
Did you accidentally format both hard disks?
Onto the same hard disk?
Onto the same partition?
Could you use your hard disk afterwards?
Did you have exactly the same amount of space as before?
Do you know why?
Could you fix it?
(HINT: Remove the existing Mac partition in Custom first.)
Have you ever installed a third-party driver?
And wished you hadn't?
But only when you turned on Virtual Memory?
Could you de-install it?
Without losing data?
Do you feel smug?
Have you ever installed a transparent compressor?
And wished it really was transparent?
And wished you knew how much disk space you really had free?
And wished you could de-install it?
Have you seen 'Star Trek' running?
On an Intel platform?
Do you like it?
Do you really think screensavers are necessary, though?
Do you need a screensaver?
Do you use a screensaver?
Has your screensaver ever crashed your Mac?
Do you collect screensaver modules?
Does your Mac spend most of its time being a platform for screensavers?
Do you spend most of your time watching them?
Do you feel smug?
Did you upgrade to System 7?
And then downgrade to System 6?
Because you had no memory left to run apps?
Because your favorite apps would crash the Mac?
Because your favorite games would crash the Mac?
Because your favorite INITs would crash the Mac?
Because your colleagues threatened to kill you if you didn't?
Because you kept resetting the laser printer between jobs?
Because you kept going 'Gee, isn't this neat?'
Because you kept using their Macs to run software that wouldn't run on
Because you didn't have enough free memory?
Because you had turned on 32-bit addressing?
Because their Macs were so much faster?
Did you upgrade to System 7.1?
Did you pay for it?
Did you demand a refund?
Even after the Hardware Update arrived?
Even after the Hardware Update 2 arrived?
Are you using it with WorldScript?
Will you be using it with WorldScript when the bits you need finally arrive?
And you can buy them in the country you live in?
From your AppleCentre?
Without waiting while they order it?
From another country?
By sea?
Are you using it with an Enabler?
Do you feel safe?
Because that means all the bugs get fixed easily?
Because upgrading Enablers is a pain-free process?
Have you tried it?
Because you'll never accidentally throw the Enabler away?
Are you sure?
Are you using it without an Enabler?
Do you feel safe?
Because that means all the bugs must be fixed?
Even the bugs fixed by the Hardware System Update?
And the Hardware System Update 2?
Do you really think they're hardware bugs?
Do you really think real hardware bugs can be fixed in software?
Are you waiting for the '24-bit colour' hardware update disk?
And the processor hardware update disk?
For your Plus?
Did you upgrade to System 6.0.6 to .8 or 7.0.1 on a floppy-only SE or Plus?
Are you a masochist?
And then downgrade to System 6.0.5 or less?
Did you install At Ease?
And then de-install it?
Could you figure out how to circumvent it?
Could anyone else you know?
Do you remove the 'dbex' resource from the System file as a matter of course?
And then wish you hadn't?
Do you know what OmegaSANE is?
Do you want it?
Have you got it?
Did you alter your installed system in any way to get it?
By dusting off your set of Developer CD-ROMs and reinstalling the INIT?
Do you feel smug?
Do you know what a Ramdisk is?
Do you want one?
Have you got one?
Can you start up from one?
Does your Ramdisk plug into a Nubus slot?
Do you feel smug?
Do you know what a CD-ROM drive is?
Do you want one?
Have you got one?
Can you start up from one?
Have you found a real use for it?
(NOTE - Listening to music doesn't count)
Does it spend more time doing that than playing music?
Are you listening to it at work?
During working hours?
Without wearing headphones?
Do you feel smug?
Do you know what A/ROSE is?
Do you need it?
Do you know you need it?
Do you know why you need it?
Have you tested to see if you really do need it?
Do you know what DAL is?
Do you use it?
Do you know you use it?
Do you know why you use it?
Have you tested to see if you really do use it?
Do you like using it?
Do you know what A/UX is?
Does anyone else you know?
Have you installed it yourself?
Are you waiting for a release that will run on your hardware?
Do you think there'll be one?
With an upgrade path from the Mac Plus thrown in?
Do you read csm.advocacy?
Do you use a Mac?
Do you feel smug?
Do you use any other make of computer?
Is one of them an Amiga?
Do you find mac.advocacy more interesting than amiga.advocacy?
Because agreeing with yourself is boring?
Because you've always wanted a Mac?
But couldn't afford one?
Until now?
Do you think the Amiga's great for silent NTSC video work?
Do you enjoy owning a pre-emptively multi-tasking television set?
With no memory protection?
Are the games great?
But intellectually challenging?
Did you buy a CDTV?
Did you get rid of it eventually?
Did they give it back?
Is one of them a NeXT?
Do you ever wish people read your own advocacy group?
Have you ever pointed out that Jobs begat it NeXT?
More than once?
Did you vote for Perot?
Do you think you're enlightened?
Do you have a nice haircut?
Did you feel really smug?
Until someone points out NeXT stopped making hardware?
And that NeXTStep runs faster on their PC?
And that their PC cost less?
Than NeXTStep?
And that they can also run Microsoft applications?
Have you ever set the followup of a thread to csm.advocacy?
Did it make its way back?
Do you wonder why there isn't a comp.sys.ibm.pc.advocacy?
Are you going to propose one?
Do you envisage 'XXX million people can't be wrong' postings?
Did you post an April Fool announcement to csm.announce?
Did you take the phone off the hook when people started ringing you about it?
Do you think they have stopped ringing yet?
Are you planning to post an April Fool announcement to csm.announce?
Are you posting it now so that it gets everywhere in time for next April?
Are you leaving your phone number off it?
Did you vote for csm.powerbook?
Because it was going to be called csm.powerbook?
Are you happy it's called csm.portables?
Do your posts to csm.portables say 'Subject: PowerBook'?
Did you vote against csm.powerbook?
Because it wasn't proposed as csm.portables?
Because it wasn't proposed as csm.portable?
Because it wasn't proposed as csm.duo?
Do you read csm.wanted?
For fun?
To play 'spot the overpriced equipment'?
Do you feel smug?
To play 'spot the ftp-able software for sale'?
Do you feel smug?
Do you read MacWorld?
For fun?
To play 'spot the mistake'?
Do you make lists of the mistakes?
In each issue?
But only in the features tables?
Do you send them in?
Do they publish corrections?
Do you feel smug?
For free?
Do you feel extremely smug?
For money?
Are you a sub-editor?
Do you make lists of the mistakes?
To put in each issue?
Do you feel extremely smug indeed?
Do you have a Mac on order?
How long has it been on order?
At least 1 month?
At least 3 months?
At least 6 months?
At least a year?
Since they released it?
Since they announced it?
Since they leaked a rumour about it?
Since they dropped it from the product line?
Since you cancelled your last order?
Did you buy a Mac LC?
Did you buy a 12" monitor with it?
Do you wish you hadn't?
Did you find someone to sell it to?
Did they buy it?
Did they demand a refund?
Did you give them the refund?
Are you hoping ColorSync will make it look more like a monitor?
Do you know it won't?
Are you still using it?
As a doorstop?
Did you upgrade it to an LC II?
Do you think it seemed faster?
Are you suggestible?
Do you think you've lost 2Mb of RAM?
Do you think you've lost your money?
Are you considering upgrading to an LC III?
Do you wish you had more money to lose?
Are you feeling smug about not upgrading to an LC II?
Until you remember you'd have to buy new RAM?
Until you remember you'd have to buy a new coprocessor?
Until you remember you'd have to lose a floppy disk drive?
Until you remember you'd have to get a new PDS card?
Until you remember the video depth will stay the same on your 12" monitor?
Are you waiting for an LC IV?
For an LC V?
For an LC VI?
Did you decide against buying a IIsi?
Do you feel smug?
Did you buy a Mac IIsi?
Are you waiting for a logic board exchange upgrade?
Do you think there'll be one?
Has the sound stopped working?
And started working again?
And stopped working again?
And started working again?
Do you think this will ever stop?
Do you know how to get it started again, though?
Do you find it fretful?
Have you cleaned your speaker contacts?
Have you tinned your speaker contacts?
Are you wearing headphones?
Did you buy an expansion/coprocessor board?
Have you got anything to plug into it?
Will it work if you plug it in?
Did you put in a faster timing crystal?
Does your IIsi still work?
Without a heatsink on the processor?
Even when you plug in an expansion/coprocessor board?
Without a heatsink on the coprocessor?
Have you adjusted your disk cache?
For optimum hard disk speed?
For optimum video speed?
For optimum floppy disk speed?
Do you really think you've made a difference?
Did you go back to System 6.0.7 or .8?
And then realise that desktop file structure influenced hard disk speed?
And go back to System 7?
And install the Desktop Manager INIT?
Do you feel smug?
Did your Mac come with System 6.0.6?
On the Networking Products Installer disk?
Have you ever used the Networking Products Installer disk?
To install a networking product?
On a network?
Did your Mac come with System:
On 400K disks?
On 800K disks?
On 1.4M disks?
Did your Powerbook come with a floppy drive?
With the SCSI cable you needed?
On 720K disks?
On these funny square plastic and metal things?
Are you still looking for the System disks?
Did you make System disks from the hard disk as soon as you unpacked the
Are you smug?
Do you wish you had?
Did you buy a Mac IIcx?
Did you upgrade it to a Mac IIci?
Do you have more than 1Mb of RAM in bank A?
Do you wonder where the speed went?
Are you considering upgrading to a Quadra 700?
If you can find an upgrade kit?
At a sensible price?
Did you feel smug about not upgrading to a IIci?
Until you tried to get the 32-bit Enabler to work?
Did you go back to Mode 32?
Even though Mode 32 caused the problems with the 32-bit Enabler?
Did you upgrade to 7.1 because of the 32-bit Enabler?
Did you demand a refund?
Did you buy a Colo(u)r Classic?
Would you like a tilt/swivel stand?
Will you legally require a tilt-swivel stand in the near future?
Do you think it's ugly?
Do you think it's very ugly indeed?
Do you think it's very, very ugly indeed?
Could you design anything better-looking?
Do you know anything about injection-moulding?
Do you think there's a market in replacement cases?
Did you buy a Quadra 900?
Did it run TeachText really fast?
How long before it ran anything else you used really fast:
Two weeks?
One month?
Two months?
Three months?
A year?
Still waiting?
Did you buy a Quadra 950 instead?
Do you feel smug?
Did you upgrade your 900 to a 950?
Are you rich?
Do you feel smug?
Are you stupid?
Do you worry about being called stupid, since you're obviously rich?
Do you have a Newton on order?
Do you have a Newton?
Are you smug?
Do you use Microsoft Word?
Do you wait for it to update the screen?
And not only in preview mode?
Do you wait for it to load?
And not only off the server?
Do you scroll backwards and forwards looking for the text lines it forgot?
And not only in outline mode?
Did you have to program around Word's use of the ToolBox?
Did Microsoft apologise and say they'd fix it?
Did you believe them?
Did they fix it?
The way you suggested?
Did you have to program around the fix?
Did you grumble about a human-interface quirk?
Did Microsoft apologise and say they'd fix it?
Did you believe them?
Did they fix it?
The way you suggested?
Did you grumble about a serious bug?
Did Microsoft tell you not to use Outline mode?
Did Microsoft apologise and tell you to turn 'Fast Save' off?
Even though you'd installed the '...a' fast-save bug-fix?
Did Microsoft apologise and tell you to turn 32-bit addressing off?
Even though then you wouldn't have enough memory to run Word?
Without it crashing?
Did Microsoft apologise and tell you to remove all your INITs?
Even though you weren't using any?
Because they told you that last time?
Did Microsoft apologise and tell you to upgrade?
Did they charge you for the upgrade?
Did you bully them into giving you it for free?
Did the upgrade fix it?
Do you use MacWrite Pro?
Were you expecting it to be released?
Were you surprised nonetheless?
Were you alpha- or beta-testing it?
Were you expecting it to be released?
Were you surprised nonetheless?
Did you write some of it?
Were you expecting it to be released?
Were you surprised nonetheless?
Did you recognise any of it as your work?
Do you use Nisus?
Do you know anyone else who does too?
Do they know anyone else who does too?
Do you know what Nisus is?
(NOTE: See section heading)
Lost your dongle yet?
Do you use WordPerfect?
Because your DOS-using colleagues do?
And consistency across platforms increases work efficiency?
Do you use WriteNow?
Do you feel smug?
Until you remember that it's going to be WordStar-compatible?
Are you looking forward to not needing cursor keys?
Do you know what ^K^K does?
Do you use a StyleWriter?
Do you refill your own cartridges?
With your own ink?
Is the ink recycled?
Did you have to ask someone for a syringe?
Did they give you a dirty look?
Did they give you a syringe?
Did they also give you a needle?
Did they also give you a lecture on dirty syringes?
Did they also give you a health pamphlet?
Do you use the StyleWriter II drivers?
But still get 72dpi printout from your applications?
But only the Microsoft applications?
Even when you upgrade them?
Did you wait for the StyleWriter II before buying?
Do you feel smug?
Do you really think a belt drive will last longer than a worm drive?
Ever cleaned a head?
And wished you hadn't?
And wondered what all the fuss was about?
Have you ever printed out any boxes with crosses through them?
Do you know why?
Does it bother you?
Do you feel inferior?
Only when GhostScript crashes?
Because you didn't take off the menu-changing INITs?
Or install the patch INIT?
Only when GhostScript doesn't crash?
Because you don't know how to use it?
Will you only feel bothered when your colleagues start using the v8.0
Are you looking forward to QuickDraw GX?
Do you think it will be called QuickDraw Pro?
Do you think it will include the Line Layout Manager?
Do you think it will include the new printing architecture?
Do you think it will include the Chooser?
Do you think it will speed up your Mac?
Do you think it will ever be released?
Do you miss the MiniFinder?
Do you still use it?
Do you miss the Sonic Finder?
Do you still use it?
Did you write the Sonic Finder as a summer project?
Do you use the Chooser?
Will you miss it?
Do you listen to MacinTalk?
Can you understand it?
Can you speak a reasonable imitation of it with your own voice?
(NOTE - this is the Gnirut Test. If you can't, your Mac is smarter than you.)
Are you listening to PlainTalk?
Do you feel smug?
Are you replying to it?
Do you feel very smug indeed?
Did you customize your Desktop Pattern?
With ResEdit?
With Wallpaper?
Did you buy Wallpaper?
Do you feel virtuous?
Did you buy the extra patterns?
Do you feel very virtuous indeed?
With Desktop Textures?
Did you bother to pay for Desktop Textures?
Do you feel smug?
Did you wonder where your General Controls colour patterns went?
Did you find out?
Do you miss them?
Do you use Greg's Buttons?
But miss Oliver's?
Are you scum?
Are you indignant scum?
Do you wish you were still scum?
Are you indignant?
Are you smug, self-righteous, indignant scum?
Do you use NowMenus?
But miss hierDA?
Do you use SCSIProbe?
But miss ADBProbe?
Do you use TattleTale?
But miss MacEnvy?
Do you use GateKeeper?
But miss Vaccine?
And have fun with anything called '...Doubler'?
Do you use System 7?
But miss MultiFinder?
But miss Switcher?
Do you use Sound Manager 3.0?
But miss all those neat game sounds?
But miss the original Simple Beep?
Do you own any Apple merchandising?
Do you wear any Apple merchandising?
Against your skin?
Did you have to buy it?
At outrageous prices from that cute little shop in Cupertino?
As a condition of your contract of employment?
Do you get people to crochet stuffed Apples for you?
Did you have to pay them for it?
Did you get a date out of them?
Did they dump their boyfriend?
Was it worth it?
Is it a very nice stuffed Apple?
Have you ever stick an "I'd rather be a Macintosh" sticker on your forehead?
Did anyone notice?
Do they have photographic evidence?
Are you being blackmailed?
Has anyone with the address ...@apple.com ever answered one of your queries?
Were you enlightened?
Is that still their address?
Have you ever answered a query from anyone with the address ...@apple.com?
Were they enlightened?
Is that still their address?
Has your address ever been ...@apple.com?
Are you enlightened?
Are you underappreciated?
Are you out of work?
Is that still your address?
Are you overworked?
Do you love it?
Are you overpaid?
Do you love it?
Are you overweight?
Do you love it?
Are you oversexed?
Do... oh, never mind.
Are you normal?